
周记网73742023-02-27 09:01:01



My brother and I have big and **all conflicts. Sometimes, my brother and I are good like a person. When we say that fighting, we will be irreconcilable. My mother says that we are a pair of "happy enemies". We fight and make noise every day.


Today, I was concentrating on my homework. My brother picked up his pencil and drew on my homework. I yelled at him, "what are you doing? I've dirtied my homework.". The younger brother runs to his mother in desperation, and then he starts to cry loudly. I also run to my mother, pouting my mouth, like a proud princess, telling him what I told him. He gets angry, grabs and scratches on me, killing me! I get angry, and grabs and scratches on him. My mother sees that we are fighting. Hurry to fight us Pull open.


The younger brother was so angry that he puffed up his cheeks. His face was overcast and gray. He put on an unnatural look and said that he was not afraid. He seemed to be growing up. His mother would protect him. My younger brother and I would make noise every day. Small things would make conflicts and catch up with the common food.