
周记网46412023-02-26 05:20:44


This morning, when I was still sleeping, Enron heard a voice: "get up quickly, the sun is sunning your buttocks, get up quickly and endorse.". My mother urges me to get up again. She urges me to get up like a **all alarm clock every day. I got up lazily and sat on the bed. My mother saw that I didn't endorse, and began to nag again.



I grew up in my mother's nagging. My mother's nagging is love. My mother's nagging is education. My mother nags me every day: "have you finished your homework? Can you recite poems?" Every time I write a diary, my mother will nag: "write well, don't write like dancing. Write honestly.


My mother's nagging sometimes sounds like a trumpet, which makes my ears buzzing and makes me dizzy. I know my mother wants me to correct my bad habits. Now I'm used to my mother's nagging. My words are well written and my homework is not careless. I thank my nagging mother, who loves me.