
周记网70362023-02-27 17:03:28


There is a shepherd dog on the grass in the South Riverside Park, who has been guarding the grazing sheep. The sheepdog's hair is black, with five or six brown hairs on each side. It's the size of a calf. Its task is to keep the sheep from grazing.

有一只小羊羔忍不住青草的诱惑,偷偷的跑出范围牧羊犬见了赶紧去追赶,轻松地 把这只淘气的小羊羔赶进范围圈。这只牧羊犬有时也充当起交通警察的角色,在羊群混乱的时候,在羊群里跑来跑去维持秩序。


A little lamb couldn't help the temptation of grass. He secretly ran out of the range and the sheepdog rushed to catch up with him. He easily drove the naughty lamb into the range. The sheepdog sometimes acts as a traffic policeman, running around the sheep to maintain order when they are in chaos.


This shepherd dog is quietly lying by his master's side, silently guarding the sheep