
周记网80842023-02-25 06:53:18

如今的生活真是人性化、电子化、科技化、方便化的生活,如声控路灯、声控玩具......可是没有可声控的打印机。现在要打印个东西必须在电脑上写好,像老人或者视力不好的人,他们 打字多不方便呀!所以我想发明一种“口述打印机”。


Today's life is really humanized, electronic, scientific and convenient, such as voice controlled street lights, voice controlled toys... But there is no voice controlled printer. Now to print something, you have to write it on a computer. For example, old people or people with poor eyesight, how inconvenient it is for them to type! So I want to invent an oral printer.


There are about 1200 ultra fast microcomputers (fully automatic) in the printer, and their CPU speed is 120000 times faster than the domestic CPU "dragon core". He can translate the language of any animal into Chinese and print it on paper in a millionth of a second.


As soon as you turn on the printer, it will lock the owner's position. As long as the owner talks to it, it will print out what you said.